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Che Guevara's Images http://www.chesafterlife.com/images/ The Legacy of an Image PHOTOS AND GRAPHICS FROM THE BOOK, ARRANGED INTO FIVE ALBUMS Moving a family from one hemisphere to another is a time-consuming exercise. But that’s a poor excuse for the long hiatus in updates to the blog. I think it’s best that I publicly acknowledge the influence of one of my favorite Aussie bumper stickers. In.. 2013. 12. 6.
The Marinaleda Model /New Compass 20130329 <New Compass> 29.03.2013 http://new-compass.net/articles/marinaleda-model The Marinaleda Model By Lisa Roth I recently visited Andalucía in southern Spain. I was there as a journalist and a friend, and because I wanted to know more about what was happening in Spain after the financial crisis that had been devastating Europe the last two-three years. Not at least I l.. 2013. 9. 29.
[스크랩] 스페인의 소도시 `마리날레다` 스페인의 남부 안달루시아의 소도시 '마리날레다'에 대하여 녹색평론 132호에 게재된 것 중에 두 편의 글을 소개한다. 〈살아있는 '로빈 후드'의 도시〉,소피 매카덤, 녹색평론 132호(2013년 9-10월호), 150~154쪽 소피 매카덤(Sophie McAdam) - 프리랜서 작가, 저널리스트. 이 글의 출처는 미국의 뉴.. 2013. 9. 29.
Che Guevara - At the United Nations, 1964 UN http://www.marxists.org/archive/guevara/1964/12/11.htm 에서 전재 *** December 11, 1964, 19th General Assembly of the United Nations in New York * 번역 : 체게바라 연설-1964유엔총회.pdf Che Guevara At the United Nations Mr. President; Distinguished delegates: The delegation of Cuba to this Assembly, first of all, is pleased to fulfill the agreeable duty of welcom.. 2013. 8. 28.