농사 이야기/아로니아71 aronia berries profile /Joe Hannan, 2013 AgMRC (agricultural marketing resource center) http://www.agmrc.org/commodities__products/fruits/aronia-berries-profile/ aronia berries profile Revised October 2013 by Joe M. Hannan, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, Commercial Horticulture Field Specialist, jmhannan@iastate.edu. overview Aronia (Photinia melanocarpa, formerly Aronia melanocarpa) is commonly known .. 2015. 8. 11. 신이내린 열매 아로니아 http://park.zc.bz/xe/good_post/49393 에서 퍼왔습니다 2015. 4. 19. 블랙초크베리 재배방법 <펌> http://blog.daum.net/okchonpodo/547 2011. 4. 13. [스크랩] 블랙초크베리 네로 품종 NERO ARONIA An easy to grow, productive small shrub, Nero grows to about 3- 4 ft. in height. Nero bears abundant crops of large, jet-black berries, good for juice and wine. A beautiful ornamental, you'll enjoy Nero’s abundant clusters of very dark blue fruit and striking, bright red, fall foliage. Latin Name: Aronia melanocarpa Size at Maturity: 3 - 6 ft. in height. Pollination: Aronia is sel.. 2010. 10. 4. 이전 1 ··· 13 14 15 16 17 18 다음